Wednesday, November 21, 2012


  • is grown without pesticides or chemical fertilizers
  • requires no irrigation
  • rarely needs replanting
  • grows rapidly and can be harvested in 3-5 years
  • produces 35% more oxygen than an equivalent stand of trees
  • is a critical element for the balance of oxygen and carbon dioxide in our atmosphere
  • is an excellent soil erosion inhibitor
  • is 100% biodegradable—a completely natural product that decomposes with no pollutants left behind
Bamboo fabric is a natural textile made from the pulp of bamboo grass. Bamboo fabric has been growing in popularity because it has many unique properties and is more sustainable than most other textile fibers. It is light and strong, has excellent wicking and ventilation properties, and is naturally antibacterial.
High Resistance to Abrasion and Allergic Reaction
Bamboo fabric is very soft. Many people who experience allergic reactions to other natural fibers, such as wool, do not have this issue with bamboo. Bamboo yarn is naturally smooth and round without chemical treatment, meaning there are no sharp spurs on the yarn to irritate the skin. These smooth fibers also give the fabric a very high abrasion resistance.
Green and Bio-Degradable
It is favored by companies trying to utilize sustainable textiles. The plant is quick growing and does not require pesticides or herbicides to thrive. It can be easily kept organic and replanted yearly to replenish stock. The process of making bamboo fiber requires virtually no chemicals that could potentially harm the environment. Bamboo fiber is green and bio-degradable.
Moisture Controlling, Insulating and Breathable
In fabric form, bamboo retains many of the properties it has as a plant. It is highly water absorbent, able absorb up to three times its weight in water. This translates to an excellent wicking ability that will pull moisture away from the skin so it can evaporate. Bamboo fabric has an unusual level of breathability, making it incredibly cool and comfortable. This is because the cross-section of the bamboo fiber is filled with various micro-gaps and micro-holes, giving it superlative moisture absorption and ventilation. Additionally, bamboo fabric has insulating properties that allow it to feel cooler in the summer and warmer in the winter.
Naturally Anti-Bacterial, Bacteriostatic and Deodorizing
Bamboo also has excellent antibacterial properties, which bamboo fabric can retain, even if washed multiple times. These properties help to reduce bacteria that thrive in fabrics and can cause unpleasant odors. It can also control odor bacteria that can live on human skin


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